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The Famous Pink Motel

When you go to Palm Springs (which I know you will since my previous post obviously succeeded in convincing you to go on this road trip), you must go to the Cabazone Outlets – they have brands from Prada, Armani Exchange to Pacsun.

As I’m always trying to come out of my comfort zone, I picked out this see-through, off-yellow shirt from All Saints – an edgy UK brand that is slowly being introduced in Amuurica (give it a shot!)

I decided to try and dress like a pin-up girl without the crop top so I paired the new shirt with my high waisted shorts. I kept it a bright look with a purple bandeau underneath.

Makeup is kept pretty simple with black eyeliner and rosie cheeks – even though putting black eyeliner evenly is probably the bigger struggle of my day.

I usually like to emphasize the V on my top lip, but to stay in character I rounded the red lips – mwaaaaah!

Shirt from All Saints // Shorts from Urban Outfitters // Bandeau from Guess // Sunglasses from Franco // Lip from Sephora


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