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Orange is the New Black

Orange is the new black eh? I may have taken it to a whole new level.

This jacket was found lonely on the Winners sale rack. Z felt bad for this jacket that was surrounded by summer dresses, and said “Josephine, you have to try this on, the stitching on this jacket is unbelievable”.

Let me tell you, it wasn’t love at first sight..

The only reason why I kind of liked it was because I knew no one else would wear a jacket this color. We browsed the rest of the store and I kept the jacket on. My thinking was, if by the end of store-browsing (just made this verb up) I liked the jacket then I would take it home.

Even then, Z said “well if you don’t get it, I’ll get it for you and I know you’ll wear it.”

I guess he knows me well. Because now here I am, wearing this jacket everywhere I go, especially when there’s a chill wind because it is the absolutely perfect in-between-season jacket!

Every time I ask someone “heeeey whatcha think of my new orange jacket?” and they have this weird look on their face before they answer, it solidifies my justification of buying this jacket! #embracingifference

OH, I forgot to brag about this military green t-shirt from Vince that is so soft!

Also my super comfortable Sandro x Superga shoes with red bottoms, if you know what I mean. I’m currently looking to buy another pair in a different color because they are so comfortable, casual, and intriguing with their red bottoms.

The beer? That would be a Wobbly POP from Parallel 49! Citrus with a tiny hop to it, it’ll add that extra hop to your step.

Jacket 7 For All Mankind | Shirt Vince | Shoes Sandro x Superga | Jeans Ralph Lauren 

PC; Zia Mawji


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